Monday, 20 July 2015

The Unexpected Difficultly Of Constant Happiness

"We're all just dreamers, nobody is ever permanently happy"

This quote is something I think about regularly. Many people's aspirations are to achieve 'happiness'. But I can assure you they'll never be a point where you're happy and nothing and nobody can change it. You don't turn 50 and suddenly you're indestructible. The truth is, we imagine permanent happiness and visualize it as being something waiting for us in the future, something to aspire towards, when in reality, the things that make us happy may change, but we'll stay the same.

Basically, there's not going to be a point when you stop crying and people stop letting you down and leaving you behind. There won't be a time where you just stop feeling sad. It's something, that unfortunately enough, we're going to have to face our entire lives and that's just the truth of it. 

However, this isn't necessarily a pessimistic thought that only really bitter people think about. For example, feeling alone is something every person feels at some point in their life, no doubt about it. But, imagine a world where people didn't feel alone, being around people wouldn't be special it's be ordinary, finding someone who makes you feel like you belong with them wouldn't be special and important. The point I'm trying to make is without the sad times, the times where you feel like you're done and you don't know what you can do to feel happier. The times of loneliness and despair just make the times when you're happy that little bit more important. People need to remember that happiness is merely an emotion, not a destination. They also need to remember that that's great! Being happy is brill, but sadness is also an ingredient (you might say) in the grand recipe of being happy, without it it'd just be a little too plain.

So just think about what makes you happy right in this second, because that's the best you're gonna get. Find people that make you happy and ditch those who don't if they're not making you happy now, you won't look back on them fondly in the future so find someone else who makes you hysterically laugh 'til it hurts.

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